Thursday, January 15, 2009

How's your sleep patterns?


 How many of you are sleeping at a different pace? Some of the things you are telling me seem to run the full gamut of strange or at least mysterious.

 I have one lady that can't seem to get a good night sleep no matter what she is doing. In her case, it seems as though she wasn't truly trying different methods. Yes she was meditating whenever she woke during the night.  Upon further investigation she whole-heartedly came to the conclusion that sometimes she just cries. Can you imagine how frustrated she must feel?  

 I went to Master Kirael and he said something that was very magical, she was in his words simply a bit ahead of schedule on what we call the "Great Shift" and what he explained next made perfect sense.

 When we approach the shift, one of the first things that will likely be a present global shifting of the poles. When we speak of the "three days of darkness" we as well come to the conclusion that day and night will need to be extended to almost completely a different positions. With this piece of information, I had a new and seemingly ready to go back to being the lady that knew everything is possible.

Tell me how your sleep patterns are going and if we try everything on the human plane of consciousness, nothing is working, we can always try talking with the Master. First of all let's try everything.

 Kahu Fred Sterling 


  1. I use to experience disrupted sleep. Usually when other dimensions were doing some work. Now i've managed to find a balance with good old fashioned Exercise, Deep Breathing, Healthy Easting Habbits, and Acupuncture (if all else fails). Melatonin from sunshine is also known to regulate sleep.

    I find that meditating too much before sleep can actually make getting to sleep more difficult, as the energy is too high.

    As i've become more conscious, i've noticed that a new responsibility is demanded of me, to keep my body's balance. For example, I sleep best with my body aligned south to north or east to west, and away from electro-magnetic interference, like tv's, computers, radios, power lines, phone towers etc. This is all well and good, but this awareness brings with it the responsibility to follow through on this knowledge. Meaning that now i have to be diligent and move house if necessary or change bedrooms if necessary. I've done so, and it's worked for me.

    Also, I heard we can get a much better sleep by custom building a bed using the Golden Mean aka. Divine Ratio or Fibonacci Sequence. I haven't tried this myself, though my gut feeling tells me this would work wonders.


  2. As a personal trainer, I've truly become aware of the importance of a good nights sleep. Here's a few simple tips that I hope will help. Avoid caffeinated beverages, sweets or sugars, and even high carbohydrate foods as much as three hours before bedtime. It is not a good idea to go to bed on a full stomach, however, an empty one can and will cause you to awake in the middle of the night. Also, most of us make the mistake of keeping our mattresses for too many years and consequently end up loosing the support our bodies need. Generally speaking a more firm mattress, even if you have to get used to it, will provide a better nights rest. With today's technology, it's really easy to find one that will suit your needs.
    Occasionally, I may take a little Valerian root before retiring. In addition, sometimes, we simply need to learn to slow our physical movements down prior to bedtime, as well as out thoughts. As Master Guide Kirael states, meditate, meditate, and meditate.
    God Bless

  3. Hi there, Kahu & Others,

    James/Gentleheart here.

    I've not had difficulty in, or while sleeping (wether or not my Computer's powered-up or down).

    However, I have noticed, that for most of my life, and even more so lately, that my Dream/Sleepstate time is wildly vivid, and traverses many diifferent Planes; Dimensions/Densities; Galaxys; and Universes seemingly simultaneously, and have been visibly shaken, disturbed, energized,en-lightened and dumbfounded or perplexed all at the same time. Causing me to awaken at least, or more than an hour before sunrise.

    It's enough to make one want to figuratively scream. But I simply do some Pranic Breathing, have a good laugh, do a 1.45 hr. meditation, and all that I've experienced becomes integrated, and I'm back to my seeming real self.

  4. Hi every one,

    I'm having tough dreams. I'm not completely sure of what happened in my dreams yesterday, but people were fighting, kind of like in a war, after that I was in some kind of ship with other people, we seemed to be fleeing from the war. Another dream I remember from yesterday was about me rescuing my car from a huge tidal wave, it was a bit frightening but I made it alive with the car hehe.

    I don't always have dreams like these, but I'm wondering what the root cause is, do I listen to too much heavy metal? play too many videogames? watch too many movies? am I sleeping to close to a power source?

    All of the above?

    I love your site and your words Fred, I hope I can go to one of your events someday.


    Brian H.
